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Today's Devotion 14 Nov 2017: See Yourself the Way God Sees You

November 14, 2017

Today's Devotion 14 Nov 2017
See Yourself the Way God Sees You

Dare to see yourself the way God sees you. His blood cleansed you and it is His life in you that changes you from glory to glory. Let us rejoice in His miraculous ways as He continues to work within us. God loves us unconditionally and we should do the same. God overlooks all of our flaws and sees your beauty. God sees our potential and He wants us to live up to His divine plans for you. Never beat yourself up for not being good enough because in God’s eyes you are perfect. Let us love as God loves and lets us always depend on the His Spirit to guide us. God is a good, good Father and His love is always, overwhelming and never ending.

“This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” –John 17:3

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