Faith Defines Us is Not your typical apparel. Designed for fit, comfort and softness that only Faith Defines Us can bring. Our most comfortable shirts, hoodies and hats on the market that offers a degree of style that you can't get with other brands . Let us take you to the next level.
Our Lion of Judah Pullover Hoodies are a stylish staple for every wardrobe. This...
Made with ring spun cotton and our special polyester blend this is the sweatshirt...
Don't get held back this winter by bulky and boxy wool varsity jackets like your...
Shopping for a special someone but can't decide? Let them pick their perfect present...
“Esphesians” We intentionally spelled our sneaker "Esphesians" as a creative twist on the word Ephesians....
We blended faith and fashion to create a one of kind shirt that will be...
Our Holy Spirit hoodies are a must have for every closet. Made with ring spun...
We have partner with Made 2 Be Free and design this exclusive one of a...
Meet the Spirit&Truth T-Shirt: soft and flexible triblend fabric with a fitted cut for a...
Isaiah 13:4 Listen, a noise on the mountains, like that of a great multitude! Listen,...
God created us & blessed us, healing us, defending us, forgiving us, redeeming us and loving us. We...
This kid-sized version of the We Are His Roar tee is perfect for any child...
This By His Wounds, We are Healed t-shirt is a great way to remember the...
Be a beacon of light in MuleTown with this special tee. The 50/50 ring-spun cotton/polyester...
Elevate your wardrobe with our Faith > Fear Hoodie or crewneck, a must-have for everyday...
Express your support for Israel with our new design. Join us in standing with God's...
Introducing our exclusive "Yahweh" t-shirt, a powerful statement of Who God is. Crafted with care...
Introducing the latest creation from Faith Defines Us: the "Not Ashamed" tee, designed to make...
Make a statement with our new America T-Shirts and stand for America as one nation...
$20.00 $30.00
Enhance your style and comfort with our Blessed V-Neck. Perfect for women, this tri-blend V-neck...
Show your support for Trump and our country with our custom Trump-America Fight On! Stand...
Unleash your roar with the exclusive We Are His Roar T-shirt, a bold and powerful...